Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Microsoft Announced Edge Redesign whit AI Mica, Rounded Corners and Many More

Microsoft Announcing Edge Redesign whit AI Mica, Rounded Corners and Many More

Microsoft Annoucing Edge Redesign whit AI Mica, Rounded Corners and Many More

Microsoft Announcing Edge Redesign whit AI Mica, Rounded Corners and Many More

    Hey there, bloggers! Today, we've got some exciting news to share with you. Just three months ago, Microsoft unveiled the new and improved Bing and Edge, equipped with AI-powered capabilities that are set to reinvent the future of search. With the aim to address the common problem of unanswered web searches, Microsoft has taken a significant step towards enhancing the search experience for billions of people worldwide.

So, what's new with Bing? The revamped search engine combines the power of large language models, including OpenAI's impressive GPT-4, with Microsoft's vast search index. The result? A search engine that delivers not only up-to-date and reliable results but also provides answers to your questions in a conversational manner. Gone are the days of sifting through countless search results that don't quite hit the mark.

One of the key features introduced with the new Bing is the ability to chat in natural language. Users can engage in conversations with Bing to get summarized answers, making it easier than ever to find the information they need. In just 90 days since its launch, Bing users have already initiated over a staggering half a billion chats. Imagine the possibilities this opens up!

But it doesn't stop there. Bing has also introduced the innovative Bing Image Creator, which has allowed users to create over 200 million images within this short period. From finding the perfect travel destination for someone with pollen allergies to organizing a comprehensive table of worldwide volcanic activity over the past decade, Bing has proven to be a versatile tool for a wide range of needs.

The results speak for themselves. Bing has amassed over 100 million daily active users, and the daily installs of the Bing mobile app have witnessed a four-fold increase since its launch. This growth in user engagement has translated into an expanding market share for Bing, and it comes on the heels of eight consecutive quarters of growth in the Microsoft Edge browser share.

In a bid to make Bing even more accessible, Microsoft has also introduced it to the Windows taskbar, reaching a staggering half a billion customers every month. This move aims to provide users with seamless access to Bing's powerful search capabilities right at their fingertips.

In conclusion, Microsoft's AI-powered Bing and Edge have truly transformed the search experience. With its conversational chat features, reliable results, and the ability to create and compose, Bing is shaping the way people find information online. If you haven't already, it's time to give Bing a try and see how it revolutionizes your search experience!

That's all for now, bloggers. Stay tuned for more exciting tech updates!

Windows GOD MODE Activation

Windows GOD MODE

    God mode is windows best hidden feature that provide us quick access to all of control panel and setting in one place. it essentially creates folder that contain all of shortcuts and various configurations option and advanced setting. for Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows 11

Windows GOD MODE Activation
Windows GOD MODE Activation

     More than 260 features are accusable in this mode with administrative rights, all the features are access able   for one place, also it works in windows 7, windows 10, windows 11.

  Lets Follow the steps :

  1.     Create a new folder on your desktop or any desired location.
  2.     Right-click on the folder and select "Rename."
  3.     Now, rename the folder with the following string of characters:

  1. Action Center Settings
  2. Administrative Tools
  3. AutoPlay
  4. Backup and Restore
  5. BitLocker Drive Encryption
  6. Color Management
  7. Credential Manager
  8. Date and Time
  9. Device Manager
  10. Display
  11. Ease of Access Center
  12. File Explorer Options
  13. Folder Options
  14. Fonts
  15. HomeGroup
  16. Indexing Options
  17. Internet Options
  18. Keyboard
  19. Mouse
  20. Network and Sharing Center
  21. Notification Area Icons
  22. Parental Controls
  23. Power Options
  24. Programs and Features
  25. Region and Language
  26. RemoteApp and Desktop Connections
  27. Security and Maintenance
  28. Sound
  29. Speech Recognition
  30. Sync Center
  31. System
  32. Taskbar and Start Menu
  33. Troubleshooting
  34. User Accounts
  35. Windows Defender Firewall
  36. Windows Mobility Center
  37. Windows Update

    These are just a few examples, and there are many more options available within God Mode. It provides a convenient way to access and customize various aspects of the Windows operating system.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Windows 10, Windows 11 Enable Remote Desktop RDP To multiple User

Windows 10, Windows 11 Enable Remote Desktop RDP To multiple User

     Want to allow multiple RDP sessions in Windows? You can establish multiple remote desktop connections at the same time on a Windows system still, this feature is blocked by license. It prevents you from creating a Terminal RDP server. However, you have to buy a Windows Server license, RDS CALS, If you need this service.

    If you want a free alternative you can use RDP( Remote Desktop Protocol) to produce multiple Connections. In this composition, we will guide you to how you can enable RDP for multiple users on your Windows 11 computer.

Windows 10, Windows 11 Enable Remote Desktop RDP To multiple User
Windows 10, Windows 11 Enable Remote Desktop RDP To multiple User

Use the following steeps for enabling the Remote Desktop Connection on Windows 11, Windows 11

  1. Use RDP wrapper library
  2. Modify termsrv.dll Using Hex Editor
  3. Patch termsrv.dll with PowerSheel Script
  4. modify the Local Group Policies
Now Lets start-

How to allow multiple RDP sessions in Windows 

1- Use RDP wrapper library
        RDP wrapper library is open source free to use from GitHub project that works between intermediate remote desktop service and Service Control Manager (SCM). 
         It allow users to make multiple RDP session on windows 10 and windows 11 and also you configure it on windows home addition without testing the "termsrv.dll" file. For simultaneous connection RDP wrapper library load the termsrv.dll library with updated parameters. But it should better for you to check the unpatched "termsrv.dll" file before installing RDP Wrapper Library

Follow the steps to enable RDP Wrapper Library
    Download RDP Wrapper Library From github.com
    Use Firefox 
          Browser Block the downing the file allow this file to download.

Click Allow Download For This

        After Download the file Extract the contents of zip file.

    Then Click Right click on "Install.bat " and select run as Administrator

    Then Click on "RDPConfig.exe" to open RDP Wrapper Configuration and complect the installation process.
    After installation RDP Wrapper show running but not working on windows 10 (ver 10.0.19041.1320)

    Download the rdpwrap.ini file currnet version on your computer from raw.githubusercontent.com.

   Open the download file, Select all the content from it, Copy it using Ctrl +C

Then Open file Explorer and go to C:\Program Files\RDP Wrapper\rdpwrap.ini file
open the ini file rdpwrap.ini and directly past the code and save it.

If you facing the problem to save the file and showing the massage as follow:

Follow the steps:

1: Right click on file and go to Properties

2: Click On Security Tab

3: Click on Change Permission , click edit

4: Click on Add

5: Click on Advanced

6: Click on Find Now

7: Select the Current user Which one you used while the installation make sure it have administrative right

8: Select the User and Click on Ok

9: After Give selection the user Give the Full Control and click on apply and ok

10 : Then past the code and save it

After That Reboot The Computer

    Then Hit on RDPConfigure.exe to open RDP Wrapper Configuration,  Verify all The items are green in Diagnostics section 
    Hit on RDPcheck.exe to open a secondary RDP session or connect multiple RDP session from your remote Computers


Saturday, May 20, 2023

Artificial Intelligence ,The Rise of AI Image Editing Tools

Artificial Intelligence ,The Rise of AI Image Editing Tools

Artificial intelligence • Generative adversarial networks
The Rise of AI Image Editing Tools, Artificial intelligence • Generative adversarial networks


    Image editing has come a long way, thanks to the advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Traditional tools like Photoshop have long been the go-to for professional image editing, but now we're witnessing the emergence of AI-driven Photoshop tools that are revolutionizing the industry. These tools offer powerful features and capabilities, making image editing more accessible, efficient, and creative than ever before.

The Rise of AI Image Editing Tools

1.1 The Need for Advanced Image Editing Capabilities:

    In today's visually-driven world, there is an increasing demand for high-quality images across various industries. From professional photographers to graphic designers and social media influencers, everyone requires efficient image editing tools to enhance their visuals. However, traditional editing methods can be time-consuming and require a steep learning curve.

AI's Impact

1.2 AI's Impact on Image Editing:

    AI technology has made significant strides in recent years, enabling machines to analyze and understand visual data. This advancement has paved the way for AI-driven image editing tools that harness the power of machine learning algorithms to automate and simplify complex editing processes.

2.1 How AI Image Tool  Works:

    AI Image Tool is an innovative AI-powered image editing tool that has garnered immense popularity for its intuitive drag controls and advanced capabilities. This tool utilizes cutting-edge AI algorithms to analyze images, identify elements, and offer a range of editing options.

2.2 Key Features and Benefits:

    Simplified User Interface: AI Image Tool  presents a user-friendly interface that allows users to make edits with simple drag controls, eliminating the need for intricate manual adjustments.
    Advanced AI Algorithms: The tool's AI algorithms can recognize objects, scenes, and facial features, enabling automated adjustments like background removal, object enhancement, and facial retouching.
Time Efficiency: With AI Image Tool , editing tasks that would typically take hours can be completed in minutes, thanks to the AI-powered automation.

Transforming Image Editing with Drag Controls

3.1 Streamlined Editing Process:

    Traditionally, image editing required a deep understanding of complex tools and techniques. However, AI Image Tool streamlines the process by allowing users to manipulate images with simple drag controls. Adjustments like resizing, cropping, and applying filters can be achieved effortlessly.

3.2 Simplified User Interface:

    The user interface of AI Image Tool  is designed to be intuitive and beginner-friendly. Users can easily navigate through the editing options, experiment with different effects, and achieve professional-looking results without extensive training or experience.

Going Beyond Traditional Photoshop

4.1 Advanced AI Algorithms:

    AI Image Tool leverages advanced AI algorithms to offer an extensive range of editing capabilities. These algorithms can intelligently identify elements within an image and apply context-aware enhancements. For example, the tool can automatically adjust exposure levels, enhance colors, and remove unwanted objects or blemishes.

4.2 Enhanced Editing Capabilities:

    In addition to the standard editing features found in traditional tools, [AI Image Tool Name] takes it a step further with AI-driven enhancements. Users can apply artistic filters, transform images into various artistic styles, and even generate realistic-looking 3D effects, pushing the boundaries of creativity.

Real-World Applications

5.1 Professional Photography and Retouching:

    Professional photographers can benefit from [AI Image Tool Name] by speeding up their post-processing workflow. The tool's AI capabilities assist in tasks such as portrait retouching, automated image adjustments, and batch editing, saving valuable time and effort.

5.2 Graphic Design and Digital Art:

    Graphic designers and digital artists can leverage the tool's advanced editing features to bring their creative visions to life. The drag controls and AI-driven enhancements open up new possibilities for creating unique and visually striking designs.

5.3 Social Media and Influencer Content:

    In the era of social media, visual content plays a crucial role in capturing attention and engaging audiences. [AI Image Tool Name] allows social media influencers and content creators to polish their images quickly and effectively, helping them stand out in a crowded online landscape.

The Future of AI Image Editing

6.1 Machine Learning Advancements:

    The field of machine learning is advancing rapidly, and this progress has significant implications for AI image editing tools. As algorithms become more sophisticated and capable of understanding complex visual data, we can expect AI-driven image editing tools to evolve further. These advancements may include improved object recognition, better semantic understanding, and enhanced image synthesis capabilities. As a result, editing tasks that currently require manual intervention may become fully automated, saving even more time for users.

6.2 Ethical Considerations:

    As AI image editing tools become more powerful, it's essential to consider the ethical implications they raise. Automated editing capabilities can potentially be misused for deceptive purposes, such as creating deepfakes or spreading misinformation. It's crucial for developers and users alike to prioritize responsible use of these tools and adhere to ethical guidelines. Transparency and disclosure regarding the use of AI in image editing are important to maintain trust and authenticity in the digital realm.

6.3 Impact on Traditional Editing Tools:

    With the advancements in AI image editing tools, the landscape of traditional editing software, such as Photoshop, may also undergo changes. AI-driven tools that offer intuitive drag controls and automated adjustments can provide a compelling alternative to the complex interfaces and manual workflows of traditional software. This shift may prompt traditional editing tools to incorporate AI capabilities to stay competitive and cater to evolving user expectations.

 The Future of AI Image Editing

7.1 Machine Learning Advancements:

    The field of machine learning is advancing rapidly, and this progress has significant implications for AI image editing tools. As algorithms become more sophisticated and capable of understanding complex visual data, we can expect AI-driven image editing tools to evolve further. These advancements may include improved object recognition, better semantic understanding, and enhanced image synthesis capabilities. As a result, editing tasks that currently require manual intervention may become fully automated, saving even more time for users.

7.2 Ethical Considerations:

    As AI image editing tools become more powerful, it's essential to consider the ethical implications they raise. Automated editing capabilities can potentially be misused for deceptive purposes, such as creating deepfakes or spreading misinformation. It's crucial for developers and users alike to prioritize responsible use of these tools and adhere to ethical guidelines. Transparency and disclosure regarding the use of AI in image editing are important to maintain trust and authenticity in the digital realm.

7.3 Impact on Traditional Editing Tools:

    With the advancements in AI image editing tools, the landscape of traditional editing software, such as Photoshop, may also undergo changes. AI-driven tools that offer intuitive drag controls and automated adjustments can provide a compelling alternative to the complex interfaces and manual workflows of traditional software. This shift may prompt traditional editing tools to incorporate AI capabilities to stay competitive and cater to evolving user expectations.

    In conclusion, the future of AI image editing holds immense potential. Machine learning advancements will empower these tools to achieve greater automation, efficiency, and accuracy. However, it is equally important to navigate the ethical challenges and ensure responsible use of these powerful technologies. As the industry progresses, AI-driven image editing tools may reshape the way we approach and perceive visual content, while traditional editing software continues to adapt to stay relevant in this transformative landscape.


    The advent of AI-driven Photoshop tools has transformed the world of image editing, enabling users to achieve professional results with ease. [AI Image Tool Name] stands out as a prime example, revolutionizing the editing process with its intuitive drag controls, advanced AI algorithms, and powerful capabilities. Whether you're a photographer, graphic designer, or content creator, embracing AI-powered tools can significantly enhance your editing workflow and unlock new creative possibilities. As AI technology continues to progress, we can expect even more exciting developments in the future of image editing.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Grand Theft Auto • Rockstar Games

Grand Theft Auto, Rockstar Games, GTA 6 Release Date, Rockstar game Latest theft Auto 6

Grand Theft Auto, Rockstar Games, GTA 6 Release Date, Rockstar game Latest theft Auto 6

Grand Theft Auto, Rockstar Games, GTA 6 Release Date, Rockstar game Latest theft Auto 6

    GTA 6 OR Grand Theft Auto 6 could soon make its debut net year as the parent company take Two interactive hints a spike in revenue for the financial year of 2024--25

    Rockstar games, which develops the most popular grand theft auto GTA series has reportedly announced the launch time for the much awaited GTA 6 As per the repost. Take -Two Interactive, the parent company of Rockstar games could launch the game in the early of months of next years means 2024.

    Now This comes as company release of its yearly Earning report come out. as pert the report the company has revenue for the financial year 2024-25 The company will usher in a new era by releasing a number of ground-braking titles that we believes will set new standards in our industry, said the film as quoted by a report by ICN. This would help the company to achieve more than 8 billon dollars in Net Booking and more than 1 billion in adjusted unrestricted operating cash flow.

    The overall financial targets seem to be based on the latest edition of Grand Theft Auto title as to touch the 8 billion mark the company would need a boost which can be the GTA 6. Given this information, analysis are already speculation that the launch of GTA 6 is quit imminent.

    Recent reports suggest that Rockstar Games is working on the highly anticipated GTA 6, with a potential release date in 2024. Fans are eagerly anticipating a trailer and gameplay reveal, which might happen later this year. However, there is also speculation that the release could be delayed until spring 2025 or even the holiday season of 2026.

    Some experts speculate that Rockstar Games might be considering the player base of different consoles before launching the game. Since the PS5 hasn't achieved the same level of popularity as its counterparts, it's possible that Rockstar might wait for the release of the next-generation console, the PS6, in order to attract a larger audience. This strategy could ensure the game's longevity and appeal for another 10 years.

    It's important to note that these details are based on speculation and there has been no official confirmation from Rockstar Games regarding the release date or console plans for GTA 6. It's always best to rely on official announcements from the developer for accurate information

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Windows CMD Commands, Power of Command Line

Windows CMD Commands, Power of Command Line

Windows CMD Commands


    Windows Command Prompt, or CMD, is a powerful tool that provides direct access to the underlying operating system. While many users may overlook its potential, CMD commands can greatly enhance productivity and efficiency in performing various tasks on Windows machines. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of Windows CMD commands, exploring a wide range of high-value keywords that can elevate your command line prowess. Whether you are a beginner looking to familiarize yourself with the basics or an advanced user seeking to expand your knowledge, this blog post will equip you with the necessary insights to harness the full potential of CMD.

Table of Contents:

  1. Basic CMD Commands
  2. File and Directory Management
  3. System Configuration and Information
  4. Network and Connectivity
  5. Process and Task Management
  6. Security and Permissions
  7. Advanced CMD Techniques
  8. CMD Scripting and Automation
  9. CMD Tips and Tricks
  10. Conclusion

1. Basic CMD Commands

    We begin our journey by exploring fundamental CMD commands that every user should be familiar with. From navigating directories to executing basic operations like creating and deleting files, these commands lay the foundation for more advanced techniques. We cover commands such as cd, dir, mkdir, rmdir, copy, and del, among others.

2. File and Directory Management

    In this section, we dive deeper into file and directory management using CMD. You'll learn how to move and rename files, search for specific files, and perform various operations on directories. Important commands covered include move, rename, xcopy, find, and tree.

3. System Configuration and Information

    Understanding and configuring system settings is crucial for system administrators and power users. We explore CMD commands that provide information about the system, manage environment variables, change the computer's name, and modify system settings. Commands such as systeminfo, set, hostname, and netsh are discussed in detail.

4. Network and Connectivity

    CMD commands offer powerful networking capabilities. We discuss commands to manage network connections, troubleshoot network issues, perform DNS lookups, and interact with remote machines. Command examples include ipconfig, ping, netstat, nslookup, and telnet.

5. Process and Task Management

    Managing running processes and tasks is essential for maintaining system performance. We explore commands to list processes, kill tasks, schedule tasks, and monitor system performance. Command examples covered include tasklist, taskkill, schtasks, and perfmon.

6. Security and Permissions

    Securing your system and managing permissions can be accomplished through CMD commands. We delve into commands that control user accounts, modify file and folder permissions, and perform security-related operations. Commands such as net user, icacls, cacls, and cipher are explained in detail.

7. Advanced CMD Techniques

    In this section, we explore advanced CMD techniques that can streamline your workflow and make you a power user. We cover topics such as batch file programming, piping and redirection, using wildcards, and advanced command-line tools. Examples include for loops, pipe operator, redirection, and third-party command-line tools like grep and awk.

8. CMD Scripting and Automation

    Automating tasks with CMD scripts can save time and effort. We introduce CMD scripting concepts and demonstrate how to create scripts to automate repetitive tasks. Topics covered include script structure, variables, loops, conditional statements, and error handling. Real-world examples showcase the power of CMD scripting for various use cases.

9. CMD Tips and Tricks

    In this section, we share some valuable CMD tips and tricks to enhance your productivity. Learn shortcuts, hidden features, and lesser-known commands that can make your command-line experience more efficient and enjoyable. Discover time-saving techniques and explore additional resources to further expand your knowledge of CMD.

10. Conclusion

    In conclusion, mastering Windows CMD commands opens up a world of possibilities for efficient system administration, troubleshooting, and automation. By familiarizing yourself with the high-value keywords and techniques covered in this guide, you'll be well-equipped to harness the power of the command line. Embrace the command prompt and unleash your full potential in the Windows environment.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

How To Take A Screenshot On Windows 10

10 Methods to Take a Screenshot on Windows 10

10 Methods to Take a Screenshot on Windows 10

Table of Contents

  1. Method 1: PrtScn (Print Screen) Key
  2. Method 2: Windows Key + PrtScn
  3. Method 3: Alt + PrtScn
  4. Method 4: Snipping Tool
  5. Method 5: Snip & Sketch
  6. Method 6: Win + Shift + S
  7. Method 7: Game Bar
  8. Method 8: Third-Party Screenshot Tools
  9. Method 9: Surface Pen
  10. Method 10: Xbox Game Bar

Method 1: PrtScn (Print Screen) Key

One of the simplest methods to take a screenshot on Windows 10 is by using the PrtScn (Print Screen) key on your keyboard. Pressing this key captures the entire screen and saves it to the clipboard.

Method 2: Windows Key + PrtScn

Another convenient method is to use the combination of the Windows key and PrtScn. Pressing these keys together captures the entire screen and automatically saves it as a screenshot in the "Screenshots" folder of your Pictures library.

Method 3: Alt + PrtScn

To capture the active window or the currently selected window, you can use the Alt key + PrtScn. This method saves the screenshot to the clipboard.

Method 4: Snipping Tool

The Snipping Tool is a built-in screenshot utility on Windows 10. Follow these steps to use it:

  1. Press the Windows key and type "Snipping Tool" in the search results. Open the Snipping Tool app.
  2. Click on "New" in the Snipping Tool window.
  3. Select the area of the screen you want to capture using the cursor.
  4. Release the cursor, and the captured screenshot will appear in the Snipping Tool editor where you can save it.

Method 5: Snip & Sketch

Windows 10 version 1809 and later includes the Snip & Sketch tool. Here's how to use it:

  1. Press the Windows key and type "Snip & Sketch" in the search results. Open the Snip & Sketch app.
  2. Click on "New" in the Snip & Sketch window or press Ctrl + N.
  3. Select the desired area of the screen using the cursor.
  4. Release the cursor, and the captured screenshot will open in the Snip & Sketch editor where you can annotate or save it.

Method 6: Win + Shift + S

Another handy shortcut introduced in Windows 10 version 1809 is Win + Shift + S. Here's how to use it:

  1. Press the Win + Shift + S keys together.
  2. Your screen will dim, and a small toolbar will appear at the top of the screen.
  3. Use the toolbar options to capture the desired area of the screen.
  4. The captured screenshot will be saved to the clipboard for pasting into applications like Paint or Word.

Method 7: Game Bar

The Game Bar is primarily used for gaming, but it also includes a screenshot feature. Here's how to use it:

  1. Press Win + G to open the Game Bar.
  2. Click on the camera icon or press Win + Alt + PrtScn to capture a screenshot.
  3. The screenshot will be saved in the "Captures" folder in your Videos library.

Method 8: Third-Party Screenshot Tools

There are several third-party screenshot tools available for Windows 10 that offer additional features and flexibility. Some popular options include Greenshot, Lightshot, and Snagit.

Method 9: Surface Pen

If you're using a Microsoft Surface device with a Surface Pen, you can use it to take screenshots. Simply double-click the top button of the Surface Pen to capture the screen.

Method 10: Xbox Game Bar

For gamers, the Xbox Game Bar provides another way to take screenshots. Here's how:

  1. Press Win + G to open the Game Bar.
  2. Click on the camera icon or press Win + Alt + PrtScn to capture a screenshot.
  3. The screenshot will be saved in the "Captures" folder in your Videos library.


Taking screenshots on Windows 10 is easy with these 10 methods. Whether you prefer using keyboard shortcuts, built-in tools like the Snipping Tool or Snip & Sketch, or third-party software, you have plenty of options to capture and save screenshots for various purposes.

Table of Contents

  1. Method 1: PrtScn (Print Screen) Key
  2. Method 2: Windows Key + PrtScn
  3. Method 3: Alt + PrtScn
  4. Method 4: Snipping Tool
  5. Method 5: Snip & Sketch
  6. Method 6: Win + Shift + S
  7. Method 7: Game Bar
  8. Method 8: Third-Party Screenshot Tools
  9. Method 9: Surface Pen
  10. Method 10: Xbox Game Bar